"The Living Christ" |
As the family worked, over a period of four months, to accomplish this great task, they saw many blessings come to them for their effort. Cynthia writes, "Family prayers became more meaningful because the children gave more thought to Him in whose name they were praying. The Spirit filled our home. We felt like Nephi when he wrote, 'We talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ' (2 Nephi 25:26). Our home became a place of greater peace."
Wow! I began to wonder if my family could do it, too. So, we talked about it in Family Home Evening and decided to set a goal to memorize "The Living Christ" together as a family before Christmas (which is twelve weeks away). We've even talked Grandma, Grandpa, and an uncle into to doing it with us!
The Plan
To help us succeed in our goal, I've divided "The Living Christ" into 44 small sections and we are going to try to memorize four sections a week, giving us a week or so to review along the way and still finish by Christmas. I'm taking Cynthia's idea of using pictures to go along with small sections - to give us a visual clue of the passage we are trying to remember.
So - why not join us? Twelve weeks, 716 words, one great experience!
At www.discoverthescriptures.com/livingchrist, you can download FREE study helps for your family, including posters, pictures, and copy work. We plan to post the pictures on the frig and in the kids' rooms and bathrooms so they can see them often and repeat the words throughout the week. In family scripture study and at family prayer, we'll repeat the sections for the week.
Cynthia wrote of her family's experience, "Our family finished memorizing 'The Living Christ' the following Easter. It was the greatest four-month experience we have ever had. Even though the project is over, I know the effects of what we learned can remain with each family member for the rest of our lives." I hope that our family (and yours!) has a similar experience memorizing the words of the prophet and apostles as they testify of Christ. What could be better than that?
for more information and FREE study helps for your family. We hope you will take our challenge to memorize this important testimony with your family. You can do it!
As you memorize, feel free to post updates and successes on our Facebook page. It's a great way to encourage each other!