Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Study helps in Spanish

Ok, so just in case you are dying to try memorizing "The Living Christ" in Spanish -- come on, you know you are! -- here's the link to the Spanish memory helps. Good luck!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

"The Living Christ" in Spanish for 2011

Well, we finally finished memorizing "The Living Christ" just in time for Christmas. It was such a great experience, that this year, we've decided to try to memorize "The Living Christ" in Spanish: "El Cristo Viviente."

The kids have been studying Spanish at school, and though it's been too many years ago to count, I studied it at BYU once upon a time. Simon, however, has only studied French, so he'll be at a disadvantage. Nevertheless, we think memorizing "The Living Christ" will be a great family project! I plan to work on some study helps in Spanish to helps us out. Wish us luck!