I must admit, this week didn't go as well as we had hoped on the memorization front. We were slightly derailed by a combination of Halloween and a flu bug. But, I was so encouraged by emails from other families who are memorizing - hopefully you will be too!
From Lisa F.:
Our Experience: It has been amazing to see my children have the ability to memorize this. I am so glad we took on this challenge. My 10 year old has it memorized to perfection (so far) and often corrects me and his Father as we work on it. My 6 year old is doing great also, she requires a little more prompting, however, when she cant remember the exact words she substitutes them with her own words that mean the same thing! That is more important than the exact words because it shows she is comprehending what we are learning. For Grandmas and Grandpas Christmas gift this year we will recite “The Living Christ” to them. I know they will value that experience.
Our Method: We do most of our memorizing at the table. We run through it a few times each time we sit down and eat. The papers are in an easel on our dining table so we can see them easily. We have the review sheet taped beside their beds and we review them as we tuck them in at night. We do this for 2 reasons, it helps invite the spirit in their room to watch over them as they sleep and their minds will continue to work on the words as they sleep helping them commit the words to memory. We also print out a review sheet to take to church so they can review it during the sacrament.
From Dana P.:
I was likewise touched by the article in the Ensign Bringing Christ into our Home. I was so excited by the prospect of being able to memorize the Living Christ as a family and especially during the weeks leading up to Christmas. Rochelle made it so easy to do. She compiles all the "helps" for the week. I print them off and post them in various areas of the home. We have some going up the stairs (we all have to recite whenever we are going up or down) I put more in each bathroom (we recite every time we wash our hands or brush our teeth) I put a copy in the youngest children's bedroom (actually stapled to the underside of the bunk bed so my youngest looks up from his bed and sees it there), and we recite it before we have family prayer, and sometimes at meals. I have been so pleased at how easy it has been to memorize. The children are reciting the words while doing every day things. And it really sticks!! My 5 year old has memorized more than I even expected. We have challenged all of our extended family to memorize it with us!
From Chelsea W.:
We are on week two. I like the small little cards you produced. We often review them at the breakfast or dinner time. I printed out the notebooking pages for my daughter to practice her handwriting and hopefully learn the words too. The consistency is the key that is why going over it at meal time seems to work well...we always have to eat! As we have mastered the first week, the kids are excited to highlight in yellow pen that part of the Living Christ. The goal is to get it all done by Christmas time and then go to Oakland Visitors Center and see a beautiful photography exhibit on display there now called "Reflections of Christ"--a compelling exhibit depicting the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.